Financial results - BT DIRECT IFN S.A.

Financial Summary - Bt Direct Ifn S.a.
Unique identification code: 16036850
Registration number: J12/1566/2018
Nace: 6492
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Bt Direct Ifn S.a. - Unique Identification Number 16036850: - euro, registering a net profit of 43.819.400 euro and having an average number of - employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Alte activitati de creditare having the NACE code 6492.

Indicatori Financiari Alte Tipuri Juridice - INSTITUTII FINANCIARE NONBANCARE

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492
Casa, si alte valori 4.961 3.843 3.554 3.613 3.783 1.169 2.463 795 2.381 -
Numerar, depozite la vedere la institutiile de credit si alte valori - - - - - - - - - 18.453.910
Datorii privind institutiile de credit 222.422.088 222.422.088 111 24.000.111 114.425.114 335.718.817 375.114.643 424.404.718 535.221.610 -
Datorii privind clientela - - - - 6.002.179 10.609.914 12.275.118 12.425.957 14.523.867 -
Datorii financiare evaluate la cost amortizat - - - - - - - - - 785.325.900
Provizioane 1.528.071 1.233.275 1.583.364 1.223.720 1.226.998 846.099 4.194.859 5.718.844 4.157.493 30.892.783
Capital social - - - - - - - - - 79.806.020
Capital social subscris 90.774.500 90.774.500 90.774.500 90.774.500 58.774.500 79.806.020 79.806.020 79.806.020 79.806.020 -
Rezultatul reportat - - - - - - - - - -16.516.763
Rezerve 10.227.129 12.697.396 15.780.541 16.550.289 16.550.289 19.113.458 19.113.458 19.253.826 19.349.962 -
Alte Rezerve - - - - - - - - - 19.113.458
Rezultatul activitãtii curente - Profit 75.183.981 49.446.318 61.662.895 15.394.969 8.945.584 0 11.082.991 27.719.433 8.815.166 -
Profit sau (-) pierdere aferent(a) exercitiului - - - - - - - - - 43.819.400
Rezultatul activitãtii curente - Pierdere 0 0 0 0 0 2.887.391 0 0 0 -
Venituri totale 141.757.780 119.724.907 502.465.988 97.790.257 83.732.488 134.031.496 146.720.174 177.698.474 193.789.782 390.917.671
Profit sau (-) pierdere din operaþiuni continue înainte de impozitare - - - - - - - - - 59.541.452
Creante asupra institutiilor de credit 95.211.115 201.004.065 74.742.782 30.000.012 11.291.053 14.076.602 22.588.411 15.511.271 8.154.772 -
Cheltuieli totale 66.573.798 70.278.589 440.803.093 82.395.288 74.786.904 136.918.887 135.637.183 149.979.041 184.974.616 -
Profit sau (-) pierdere din operaþiuni continue dupã impozitare - - - - - - - - - 43.819.400
Rezultatul brut - Profit 75.183.982 49.446.318 61.662.895 15.394.969 8.945.584 0 11.082.991 27.719.433 8.815.166 -
Rezultatul brut - Pierdere 0 0 0 0 0 2.887.391 0 0 0 -
Profit sau (-) pierdere aferent/ã exerciþiului - - - - - - - - - 43.819.400
Rezultatul net al exercitiului financiar - Profit 67.448.328 42.805.423 61.662.895 13.920.968 6.550.054 0 9.309.004 23.361.886 7.646.217 -
Rezultatul net al exercitiului financiar - Pierdere 0 0 0 0 0 2.887.391 0 0 0 -
Creante asupra clientelei 316.258.099 263.026.291 229.385.053 204.626.053 177.998.615 420.222.977 466.355.374 538.822.572 649.426.784 -
Active financiare evaluate la cost amortizat - - - - - - - - - 926.995.908
Imobilizãri corporale 430.059 319.747 344.888 267.225 208.106 586.953 787.270 521.859 590.022 3.760.784
Imobilizãri necorporale 1.237.648 987.108 1.738.782 2.303.877 2.139.957 3.628.848 4.442.796 4.437.518 5.340.712 5.344.334

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Bt Direct Ifn S.a.

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Probabilitate de insolventa

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Bt Direct Ifn S.a.

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Bt Direct Ifn S.a.

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